hi folks,
here is the really cool jazz blogwatch site that you can check anytime to see the latest updates of many different jazz blogs from all over the world.

ps1: if you want your blog to be linked here or If you know some more jazz blogs just the link of the blog either as a comment to this post or e-mail me, after the blog is checked, it would be linked here. only jazz related blogs will be linked...preferably jazz download blogs... 
ps2: if your blog is linked here, please link this blogwatch back at your blog.


Anonymous said...

Hi, if it's not forbidden here, my second jazz blog (only mp3's);


Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the second time sir!
I've also added your blog at mp3JazzClub.wordpress.com


Mr.Pc said...

even 3rd is allowed :)
thanks you albert.

Phonemes said...

A great blog for jazz and impro, non commercially available material only:


Thanks for maintaining this blog, it saves me a lot of time.

Mr.Pc said...

you are welcome phonemes,
link is added.

Anonymous said...

Hi again sir. Today my hotfile account completely blocked, therefore I've stopped my 2 blogs:


Now, I'm posting on;

If possible, I like you to de-list my older 2 and add the new one..
Thanks again..
(also as an experienced one, maybe you can say some tips in order to execute continuosly this blogging job, especially like this kind of situations?)

Anonymous said...

Great idea. I'm very glad you started this!

kuto said...

Hi. I am Kuto. I like your jazz idea, and your original blog.
My blogs are:
and http://alejolopomo.blogspot.com/ (is the jazz art pictures)
Thank You, Albert

boogieman said...

Hi, I'm putting a link to your blog. Kindly link to mine.


lafaro said...

hey just started a blog called things i like too do will be posting alot of jazz so come check it out here is the link http://jazlovesblue.blogspot.com/

Bill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TL said...

some interesting blogs I follow:


There are some 'dead' blogs in your list ;-(
Maybe you shoud remove them...



Rick said...

Thank you for your good work here. I visit frequently.

Anonymous said...

Link exchange? http://topjazzsongs.blogspot.com

Maciej Nowotny (Editor) said...


Probably the only link out there among modern Polish jazz updated often and on regular basis. Please link us ;-)

Juan Carlos Eberhardt said...

fantástico!!! muy buena idea !!!
con algunos ya somos amigos ,te agradezco todo lo nuevo que me presentas
pasaré todos los días
un abrazo grandóte

jazzitall said...

what happened to SOULSOLE blog? I check it out everyday.

Maciej Nowotny (Editor) said...

Hello, Please link to my blog ;-) I'm putting a link to your blog o my site:



Jazz Musicians said...

Very awesome blog. I just stumbled accross it. Hope to see more of it.

Ground Rules said...

One of my favourite jazz blogs is:
http://thejazzinnadarkofshadeofblue.blogspot.com/ called A DARKER SHADE SHADE OF BLUE.

canadian songwriter said...

The sound is authentically real, soulfully draped over acoustic guitars, with a slight rasp undertone. Her gut wrenching, heart felt lyrics and melodies are completely like nothing out there you've heard. Nothing to compare her to, she is one of a kind.

Giorgos Varvakis said...



Usemeplz said...

I'm becoming a real fan of jazz because of such beautiful blogs, which help me to choose music, listen different albms, thank you!

Nico said...

Hi. Your blog is an important reference to all jazz lovers. Thank you for your work and your commitment.

Anonymous said...

New Blog repubicofjazz.blogspot.com ?????????????!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


I've just opened a new blog: "The Jazz Inn" ( in addition to my :A Darker Shade Of Blue blog).
The blog is dedicated to more mainstream orineted jazz.


Please add it to your list.

Thanks in advance.


lahabitaciondeljazz said...

exchange links ?



Anonymous said...

My New Jazz Blog is


Could you please link it?

Thank you.

danair said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vitko said...

"A Darker Shade of Blue" unfortunately no longer exists. After much deliberation I decided to go again with a new blog "Different Perspective In My Room...!" Blog address is:


Thank you, Vitko

Plöp said...

One year. A different piano trio each day. 365 trios. No.2 of 365 here - http://365trios.blogspot.com/ Would you mind adding please? I will put a link to yours on mine.

Plöp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Thanks for the blog! I have been looking into jazz music, till I get to your site. Will you be able to post the Jazz music from the year 1980's? As I wanna use this for our literary event. Hope I could hear from you soon! Thanks.
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